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Wanna get better...faster?

There's always something that we want to improve. We've found that, for CrossFit, people generally fall into two camps. Those who want to get better at lifting weights and those that want to get better at lifting themselves over the bar. 

Every year, we've seen muscle ups, double unders and handstand pushups make an appearance in the CrossFit Open, this year we even saw handstand walks. There's no getting away from it, if you don't have these basic gymnastics skills, your performance is going to suffer. We've developed a course designed specifically to give you the tools you need to get them dialled in. 

Strength takes time to build. Making sure you're moving right, that you've got your technique down helps to make sure you're building a foundation for success. We'll create an olympic lifting program that matches your needs and again, gives you the tools you need to develop as effectively as possible.

Don't forget, it's just as important to be flexy as it is to be swole. Let us get you moving right and supporting your strength goals in as sustainable manner as possible.

My First Muscle Up


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Olympic Excellence


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Mastering Mobility


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